Veteran Friendly Government
Every level of Government is crucial in addressing Veteran challenges. But to make real change, one level in particular is under utilised - Local Government.
From country towns to major metropolitan centres, every Council is connected to local businesses, community groups and existing support organisations.
Veteran Friendly Australia's aim is to have State and Federal Government support to ensure all 500+ Councils around Australia are certified "Veteran Friendly" by 2025.
Veteran Friendly Local Government
Improving outcomes for Veterans takes a community effort.
And at the centre of every community is a Council. By leveraging their networks and connections to local businesses, community groups and existing support organisations, Veteran Friendly Australia works with Councils to develop localised Veteran engagement strategies.
Veteran Friendly State Governments
Every State and Territory Government has Veteran Affairs resources dedicated to creating opportunities and assisting vulnerable Veterans. By supporting Veteran Friendly Australia's community-based initiatives, Veterans stand a better chance of being aware of assistance available in their local area.
Veteran Friendly Federal Government
The Australian Government has primary responsibility for Veteran support and wellbeing.
Now is the time to Lead.
Recent electoral outcomes at both state and federal levels suggest that Australians are demanding more of their political leaders across a broad range of policy areas. From climate change to social justice issues, everyday Australians are demanding real action from their elected leaders.
Veteran Friendly Australia is creating a new and innovative roadmap for improving outcomes for some of Australia's most vulnerable community members. This will only be possible with both political and departmental support at all three levels of Government. We Look forward to partnering with all stakeholders to create opportunities and decrease risks for current and former ADF members.