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Veteran Friendly Business

Creating better financial outcomes for Veterans is crucial in addressing the social challenges that lead to suicide ideation. 


Better understanding the unique challenges that some Veterans might have can also make businesses 'safer' - whether they be employees, or customers.


Businesses can play a vital role in achieving this outcome ... not because it's the right thing to do, but because it's the smart thing to do.

Create Opportunities

At Veteran Friendly Australia, we believe the Australian business community can play a significant role in creating opportunities for Veterans and their families.  Doing so however shouldn't be seen as a desire to 'do good', or to meet corporate and social responsibility objectives.  


Here are just a few simple ways your organisation can help create opportunities:

  • Employment:

Regardless of occupation or branch of service, every Veteran enters civilian life with a broad range of unique skills and experiences.  Most importantly, a Veteran generally has as an attitude and other traits that make them invaluable additions to any business.  Discipline, commitment to process and the importance of 'team' are just a few of the attributes that are core in someone who has served.


  • Purchase from a Veteran owned business:

Australia has a diverse and capable industry made up of Veteran owned businesses, very few of which are actually focused in the Defence sector.  From food and beverage producers to lawyers and accountants, and every industry in between, Veteran owned businesses often actively employ other Veterans.  So by giving a Veteran owned business an opportunity to bid for work with your organisation, you're making a difference on multiple levels. 

Veteran Friendly Australia has a range of solutions to help make it easy for your business to help create opportunities for Aussie Veterans.  Contact us today, or visit our Services tab to learn more.



Decrease Risks

There are many situations where the operations of a business can create unique risks for Veterans.  This  ranges from regular workplaces where everyday practices may inadvertently pose challenges for someone managing PTSD, through to hospitality venues where alcohol and gambling can be a problem for vulnerable Veteran patrons.  


Veteran Friendly Australia has developed a range of solutions to help businesses whose operations may pose a risk to Veterans, whether as employees or customers.  Our team of professionals often have 'lived experience' themselves, and can provide guidance on how to ensure your operations are conducted in a way that minimised inadvertent negative impacts. 


We take the time to understand the specific requirements of your business, and provide tailored advice on how best to mitigate any potential risks. 


With our help, businesses of any type can ensure that their operations are conducted in a way that recognises the unique challenges that Veterans might face, and mitigate the impact.  Contact us today to learn more.

Become a Veteran Friendly Business

By committing to making your business 'Veteran friendly', your organisation helps play a major role in addressing many of the social and wellness issues that underpin the suicide rate in the Veteran community.  This is not a one-off initiative, but an ongoing commitment to helping change and save lives. 

Veteran Friendly Australia has a broad range of services to make this commitment easy to implement and maintain.  In parallel, we're developing Australia's first formal accreditation Standard, that will provide best practice guidance and recognition of Veteran Friendly Businesses.

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